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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Storm Planning With the Family | SERVPRO of Dublin/Vidalia/Claxton

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage

Georgia weather can be pretty unpredictable, but one thing we all know to be true is that storms are possible year-round. With a variety of dangerous possibilities, storms in our town can leave anyone feeling a little chaotic—especially when there is the threat of a tornado or strong thunderstorm.

There may not be much we can do to keep the weather in check, particularly when spring storms pop up unannounced as they so often do, but we can learn how to react to them appropriately.

The more prepared you and your household are, the more you can avoid the dogs and the kids panicking. When everyone can respond calmly, everyone can get to safety faster.

Knowing What to Look For

One of the best ways to start getting everyone comfortable with the weather is to head outside and talk about the clouds. Spend time with the kids getting to know what dark or green-tinted clouds mean. Make sure they understand that if the clouds are starting to spin or if they hear thunder, it’s time to move indoors. The more your whole family can keep an eye out for the early warning signs of a storm heading your way, the faster everyone can seek shelter.

If you are close enough to hear a tornado siren at your home, make sure your kids know what it means. Find out when the next testing will be and make them listen. You can also pull up emergency sirens online in order to play the sounds for them. This can go a long way in avoiding the fear factor that may come with a loud noise like a siren. Even if you don’t have a siren close by, play warning sounds your phone or weather radio make. Practice getting to safety through playing a game—who can get to shelter first when the siren or alarm goes off.

Preparing for the Event

After you have spent time talking with your kids outside about clouds and sirens, gather together to make a family storm emergency plan. This should include the best place to stay during a severe weather event as well as a kit with emergency supplies.

While you plan, show your kids the safest place in your house to ride out storms in. Build a blanket fort to practice huddling together as a family. Make sure everyone understands that this is where they need to head if they hear a siren or other weather warning—even if it is in the middle of the night.

If you don’t already have one, find a plastic box you can pack an emergency kit into and get the kids involved in choosing what will go in it. Make sure there are plenty of flashlights and batteries. Getting kids their own personal flashlight can be a fun way to keep them safe and lower fears.

Family favorite shelf-stable snacks and plenty of water are two other items you need to always have in your emergency kit. Blankets, card games or even stuffed animals can be another addition that will help keep everyone calm during a weather event.

While most items can live in your emergency kit permanently, ahead of a storm event you should add prescription medications, extra snacks and water. Keep your kit near your safe space for easy access, and update it seasonally with weather-appropriate items.

Keeping Calm

Fear of severe weather is common even for adults, so it is completely normal that your kids may feel nervous when bad storms approach. For many children, explaining that the chances of experiencing extreme damage are pretty low can help ease concerns. Most homes will only experience damage to their roof, siding or in the yard.

The more you can teach your kids about weather and how to stay safe during any tornadoes, thunderstorms or high winds that come our way, the more confident your whole family will be. Focus on staying calm and distract your kids from anything scary. The storms will be over before you know it.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

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